
Friday, November 26, 2010

Love is Spoken Here

I can't help but explain this post with the simple yet sweet lyrics of a primary song.

"I see my mother kneeling with our family each day.
I hear the words she whispers as she bows her head to pray.
Her plea to the Father quiets all my fears,
And I am thankful love is spoken here."

I just love the words expressed in this song but also see a huge responsibility that I must live up to. To be a loving mother and a to be a mother my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I must Speak with Love and teach my children by example.

I served in yw and remember a lesson I taught in the yw manual 2 titled home environment. I recall a story by Daryl V. Hoole,

“One striking observation we made while in Holland is that the homes in that tiny land have choice personalities. The window sills in those red brick homes with the red tiled roofs are always filled with rows of flower pots—usually containing geraniums. The windows are large—with never a blind or a screen to cover them. These glistening windows add to the sparkle of the home’s personality. Many of the homes are named. Above the door you might see names such as: Sunny Corner, Sunbeam, Sun Cottage, Peace Haven, Tranquility, or Peaceful Nook. … Warmth and sunshine and pleasantness, together with peace and tranquility and contentment! These are the things which make a house a home”
Daryl V. Hoole, The Art of Homemaking

When I taught this lesson I asked my yw what they would name there homes, I was reminded by this story when I was naming my blog. I came to the decision that there was no other name for me to live up to then the title of

I am new to blogging and I created this blog for the purpose that I decided to home school my children. I came to this decision by a prayer. I didn't ask about homeschooling nor have I ever once thought about home schooling my children. In fact I thought it was crazy to home school. What I did pray for was a way to help my children to better in school because one of them was struggling and to my surprise I had a feeling overcome me with an idea to home school. I didn't act on it at first but could feel the weight on my shoulders every time I tried to disregard it. I finally decided to look into it and felt good about homeschooling and about the k-12 program but still felt I would be holding my kids back from having a normal life. And then I came across a blog. Latter day Home schooling

Latter-day Homeschooling

Reading this blog and the blogs of others gave me confidence and reassurance that what I had felt about homeschooling was the right choice for me. It also helped me notice that I need home schooling for my children in more ways then academic. I realized I need to be teaching them more about the gospel. I feel I have been fulfilling my spirttual duties as a mother because I hold F.H.E and reading scriptures together as a family, But realized there's so much more that I need to be installing in there heads. They will be the future mothers in the latter-days. And I need them strong in righteousness. So reading the blogs made me realize what home schooling as a latter-day saint is all about. And I know that I can do it.
I was also inspired to start my own blog and share my experience while I take this journey in home schooling to help others and also to receive any comments that would help me along the way.
So I look forward to this journey and chose to name my school the only name that I could possibly strive to live up to which is "Love is Spoken here"


  1. Hi Lyza! I just found you through Latter-day Homeschooling. I had a similar situation where I had prayed and gotten an answer but didnt' act on it. I remember praying for the strength to do what I knew He wanted me to do and that morning I found Latter-day Homeschooling (ironically it was the day they went online) and reading there gave me the confidence to get started. We started this August and I have to say I love it. Good luck with your adventures!

  2. shauna, thank you so much for your message. Its crazy to me how homeschooling can be an answer to a prayer. Don't we have enough on our plate as it is. But so far having my little ones home has been a complete blessing and I bet you feel the same way. It's also comforting to know that there are other mothers out there who are giving all they can to nurture their little ones.
    thanks for your comment and the hope to make it through the rest of this year!!
